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Thirty+ years ago, Daniel Bobinski decided to make a difference.


Daniel was teaching EQ before it was a thing. 

Since 1989, he's been working with teams and individuals, helping them improve their self-management, work management, and relationship /team management.


With multiple degrees in how people learn, Daniel knows to make learning stick. He's also an internationally best-selling author on how to create teams with commitment and drive. 

Daniel says there’s never any shame in asking for help. If nobody ever taught you the skills you want, how could you possibly know? 

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Our Mission

People should want to come to work excited. We love seeing people engaged in their work and with their coworkers.


  • We want managers to be well-equipped to train their employees.

  • We want team members working cohesively and dynamically.

  • We want people being productive and leaving work happy.


When team members have effective skills and love what they do, the profitability of the company skyrockets. This ALWAYS starts with enhancing the EQ and skills of key people in the organization. 

Our mission is to help teams become more productive, effective, and profitable. 


Want a great solution that's tailored to your needs?  

Call (208) 649-6400 or  schedule a free consultation right now

Meet Daniel Bobinski
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Daniel Bobinski, Th.D., CPBA
Speaker / Trainer / Coach

The founder of Leadership Development, Inc., is Daniel Bobinski. He's happily married to his beautiful bride and has one daughter.  Besides keeping busy in conducting training & coaching, he also conducts the occasional keynote speech.


When he's not doing those things he's usually writing a column for one four different publications, working on a new book, or creating e-learning for a client. 


Daniel has an undergraduate degree in Workforce Education, a Masters in Training & Development, and a Doctorate in Theology. Also, he's all but dissertation in his Ph.D. in Organizational Learning and Leadership. 

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